Kheavyhash Mining Profit Calculator

Determining the most profitable miners is a breeze with our cutting-edge mining calculator. You can quickly switch between popular currencies like USD, EUR, GBP, AED, CAD, AUD, THB, ETH, and BTC with ease. Our calculator also offers the ability to set your electricity costs with three decimal places accuracy. To provide you with a complete overview, we've assembled an overview table of the top miners and individual tables for each crypto algorithm. With our intuitive coin images, identifying mineable coins for each algorithm has never been simpler.

Miner Brand & Model Algos Hashrate Power Profit / Day
KHeavyHash 9.4Th/s 3500W $32.66/day
KHeavyHash 8.3Th/s 3188W $28.55/day
KHeavyHash 8Th/s 3200W $27.15/day
KHeavyHash 6Th/s 3400W $17.49/day
KHeavyHash 2Th/s 1200W $5.64/day
KHeavyHash 1Th/s 600W $2.82/day
KHeavyHash 200Gh/s 100W $0.62/day
KHeavyHash 100Gh/s 65W $0.27/day
KHeavyHash 21Th/s 3150W $86.40/day
KHeavyHash 20Th/s 3000W $82.29/day
KHeavyHash 10.5Th/s 3400W $37.94/day
KHeavyHash 12Th/s 3400W $44.76/day

The KHeavyhash algorithm is a custom-designed hashing algorithm specifically created for mining the Kaspa (KAS) cryptocurrency. Unlike many mining algorithms that rely heavily on GPU memory, KHeavyhash involves matrix multiplication positioned between two conventional Keccak hashes (SHA-3). This design allows for efficient mining without requiring substantial GPU memory usage, enabling even GPUs with less than 4GB of memory to effectively participate in Kaspa mining. This characteristic broadens the range of eligible mining hardware, making it more accessible to a wider user base. One notable feature of KHeavyhash mining is its compatibility with dual mining. This means that miners can simultaneously mine Kaspa and other cryptocurrencies that utilize memory-intensive mining algorithms. This flexibility allows miners to optimize their hardware and mining activities based on their preferences and market conditions. Kaspa, the cryptocurrency for which KHeavyhash is designed, boasts an exceptionally rapid block generation rate. A new block is created every single second, resulting in a significantly higher frequency of blocks compared to many other cryptocurrencies. This fast block generation rate contributes to the efficiency and speed of transactions on the Kaspa network. Kaspa itself is positioned as the fastest, open-source, decentralized, and fully scalable Layer-1 blockchain in the world. It introduces the concept of a blockDAG (Directed Acyclic Graph), a digital ledger that enables parallel blocks and instant transaction confirmation. The underlying proof-of-work engine is robust, and the rapid single-second block intervals set Kaspa apart in terms of transaction speed and efficiency.